The next April 19th will be taking place in Madrid the MicroCal user´s day. The event will be held at the Institute of Chemical Physics Rocasolano.
The basics and applications of the ITC -Isothermal titration Calorimetry and DSC -Differential scanning calorimetry technologies will be treated. It will be an excellent event with very interesting talks and nice place for catch up of these applications.
We are pleased to announce that Dr Juan Sabín (Co-founder & Product Designer) will be giving a presentation about AFFINImeter, the software for Isothermal Titration Calorimetry data analysis.
Additionally, Dr Raúl Pacheco application specialist from Malvern Instruments, Dr Margarita Menendez from the Institute of Chemical Physics Rocasolano and Dr Javier Murciano from the University of Granada will also attend the event.
The Microcal user´s day has been organised by Malvern Instruments, CSIC-Spanish National Research Council, Institute of Chemical Physics Rocasolano and Iesmat.
On March 5th to 7th we will be attending the Fragments 2017 – 6th RSC-BMCS Fragment-based Drug Discovery meeting
AFFINImeter will be attending the congress and will have a stand and a poster for the duration of the congress
We will be there sharing ideas on new applications and challenges on Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) experiments and data analysis. We will be pleased to talk to you. Contact us.
You won´t miss this event
We want to thank Xunta de Galicia, IGAPE and Fondo Europeo de desenvolvemento rexional for giving us this opportunity.
71st Calorimetry Conference held in Oahu (Hawaii, USA)
It was a great pleasure for us attend the conference and on behalf of AFFINImeter, we want to thank CalCon 2016 for organising what once again proved to be an excellent conference
Thanks for making us partakers of this incredible scientific program which we really enjoyed and to gave us the opportunity to attend at calorimetry tutorial.
We mark our calendar to attend to Calorimetry Conference for the next year.
Our sales representant Dr. Juan Sabín will be there sharing ideas on new applications and challenges on Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) experiments and data analysis. We will be pleased to talkt to you. Contact us.
We are sharing the Workshop agenda publised in the Malvern website where you will find all information of the Workshop and registration.
Free Morning Workshop
Registration and coffee
“Recent developments in interaction analysis: introducing the new MicroCal PEAQ-ITC” Dr. Marco Marenchino, Applications Specialist, Malvern Instruments
Coffee break
“Keep your DSC at top performance: experiment design and advanced data analysis” Dr. Marco Marenchino, Applications Specialist, Malvern Instruments
Meeting Opens
“Opening remarks” Dr. Mark Wingfield, General Manager GmbH, Malvern Instruments
Plenary Lecture
“Profiling Enthalpy/Entropy to Aid Decision-Making in Drug Optimization: Fact or Fantasy?” Prof. Gerhard Klebe, University of Marburg
Calorimetry for the studies of protein-ligand interactions in academia and DD industry
Microcalorimetry with small molecule compounds at Merck-Serono Dr. Ansgar Wegener, Merck
“Affinity and mechanostability in protein-protein interactions” Lukas MillesM.Sc. and Magnus Bauer M.Sc. LMU
Coffee break
“Thermodynamic landscape of the bacterial 30S translation initiation complex assembly” Dr. Eric Ennifar, Research Director at CNRS, University of Strasbourg
The metal-dependent network for nickel delivery into urease: protein interactions and conformational changes Dr Barbara Zambelli, University of Bologna
Drug-target interactions put under the microscope Mrs Barbara Wienen, University of Marburg
‘How to be PIQy’
Dr. Chris Johnson, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
Calorimetric Dinner
November 25th
Protein and antibody characterization
“Current Applications of ITC in antibody design and development” Christian Gassner, Roche Diagnostics
“Lessons learned from pH and excipient screening for mAb formulation development by using DSC” Dr. Tim Menzen, Coriolis Pharma
“Accelerating biotherapeutic development” Dr. Marco Marenchino, Application Specialist, Malvern Instruments
“DSC in formulation development of insulins” Dr. Ursula Stock, Sanofi-Aventis
Coffee break
Data Analysis
“Complex binding models and Global Fit” Dr. Natalia Markova, Principal Scientist – MicroCal, Malvern Instruments
“High precision ITC with automated peak-shape analysis” Prof. Dr. Sandro Keller, Molecular Biophysics, University of Kaiserslautern,Germany
Novel Applications I
“Microcalorimetric studies of lipid and detergent systems” Prof. Dr. Heiko Heerklotz, Professor for Pharmaceutics, University of Freiburg
“Enzymatic conversion of biomass: A calorimetric approach” Prof. Dr. Peter Westh, Professor of Biophysical Chemistry, Roskilde University
“Nanotools to understand when a protein can induce an immune response” Dr. Mihaela Delcea, Group Leader Nanostructure, University of Greifswald
Coffee break
Novel Application II
Calorimetric studies of supramolecular peptide assembly and protein aggregation Prof Büll, University of Düsseldorf
“KinITC: Get more out of ITC data” Dr. Eric Ennifar, Research Director at CNRS, University of Strasbourg
“Concluding remarks” Dr. Mark Wingfield, General Manager GmbH, Malvern Instruments
AFFINImeter and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry: A perfect match for the complete Thermodynamic and Kinetic Characterization of molecular interactions
Get thermodynamic and Kinetic profiles of your interaction in a few clicks.
Get structural and mechanistic information of complex interacting systems.
Quick access to Data Interpretation Tools.
Have a look at poster of AFFINImeter presented at the NovAlix conference last week, which describes the main features of AFFINImeter with illustrative examples. Many researchers put special attention to the fast and efficient way of processing raw ITC data to get, in just 5 clicks, thermodynamic and kinetic information. Check the video below for a quick demo of this awesome tool!
Get the kinetic parameters from standard ITC experiments in 5 clicks.
AFFINImeter will be at the 2nd NovAliX conference that will be held next June, days 9-12, in Strasbourg, France.
Our Scientific team will present the poster
The use of Biophysical methods for the characterization of molecular interactions has become a fundamental milestone in the area of pharmaceutical research. Into this subject, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, ITC, is considered the gold standard for the thermodynamic characterization of molecular interactions, but with a potential that has not been fully exploited yet.
THANK YOU TO ALL PARTICIPANTS OF THE WIDEN-ITC OPEN DAY: Over 100 researchers joined us to know more of the potential and latest advances in Isothermal Titration Calorimetry.
Speakers and invited researchers to WIDEN-ITC Open Day.
The WIDEN-ITC Open Day, has confirmed the awareness of the Scientific Community in exploring the full potential of the Isothermal Titration Calorimetry technique. Researchers from 18 countries attended on-site in Santiago de Compostela or via streaming this Open Day, consisting in 8 scientific talks and a tutorial of the ITC analysis software AFFINImeter (developed by the organizers of the workshop). Outstanding Pharmaceutical Companies (Lilly, Astra Zeneca,…..), microcalorimeters manufacturers (Malvern Microcal) and numerous Universities and Research Institutes worldwide participated in this interactive day, dedicated to share knowledge and exchange ideas around the present and future of ITC. The WIDEN-ITC Open Day discussed topics of actual interest like the current state of both ITC instruments and data analysis, common errors and misuses, and new analytical and technical developments to exploit the full potential of the technique and expand the application range of ITC. The morning session consisted in 6 invited talks of distinguished experts in the field: Adrián Velázquez-Campoy (University of Zaragoza, Spain), Phillipe Dumas (CNRS, Strassbourg, France), Eric Ennifar (CNRS, Strassbourg, France), Natalia Markova (Malvern Microcal), Niek Burma (Cardiff University, UK) and Daniel Ondo (Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague). The evening session of the Open Day was conducted by members of the scientific team of AFFINImeter, who presented 2 talks and an interactive tutorial to show the full potential of this new analysis software. Moreover, the workshop counted with the key participation of the invited researchers Margarita Bastos (University of Porto, Portugal), Maria Joao Moreno (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Luis García (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Enrique García Hernández (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and Luis Pablo Calle (Analytical Technologies, Lilly, Spain)
Invited Speakers to WIDEN-ITC Open Day
We would like to specially thank all the presenters and invited researchers, who did an outstanding job sharing their expertise with us and again, to all participants for attending the WIDEN-ITC Open Day.
We would also like to extend our thanks to all the AFFINImeter members, to the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Galician Supercomputing Center (CESGA) for all the support during the organization of this event.
Worldwide reference research scientists on molecular interactions analyse technical advances in Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) at WIDEN-ITC.
Organised by AFFINImeter, a spin-off of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), WIDEN-ITC will take place September 10th at the Faculty of Physics of USC, with participation of about ten worldwide experts on specialised scientific software.
Advances in research for the development and analysis of chemical products, with applications in areas such as the pharmaceutical industry or material sciences, have been showing the shortcomings of available software for the efficient analysis of data from experimental techniques such as Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC). The AFFINImeter software, a result of progress recently made to overcome these limitations, was launched in the international marketplace with a Software as a Service model, and is now being tested by 40 researchers from 25 countries.
The creators of AFFINImeter have invited at WIDEN-ITC some of the best worldwide reference scientists in ITC, with expertise in both current use and in the development of technological innovations that will shape the future of research with this particular technique. Prestigious researchers such as Philippe Dumas from University of Strasbourg, Adrián Velázquez from University of Zaragoza, and Ángel Piñeiro from USC and creator of AFFINImeter, among others, will work for three days with experts from industry, such as Natalia Markova from Malvern Microcal, to exchange knowledge and experience on the limitations of current software and new possibilities offered by technological advances.
Invitation to WIDEN-ITC, International Workshop on Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
WIDEN-ITC will have an “Open Day” on the 10th of September at the Faculty of Physics of USC, which can be attended in person or online upon registration free of charge. The workshop will include a tutorial on the use of AFFINImeter, given by Eva Muñoz and Juan Sabín, researchers at AFFINImeter.
All the information about WIDEN-ITC is available on the website
En WIDEN-ITC científicos de referencia mundial en la investigación de interacciones moleculares se reunen para analizar los avances de la técnica de Calorimetría de Titulación Isotérmica (Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, ITC).
Organizado por AFFINImeter, spin-off de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), una decena de expertos mundiales en software científico participarán en el WIDEN-ITC, un workshop que se celebrará el 10 de septiembre en la Facultad de Físicas de la USC.
Los avances en la investigación para el descubrimiento y análisis de productos químicos, con aplicaciones en áreas como la industria farmacéutica o ciencia de materiales, han puesto en evidencia en los últimos años las carencias del software disponible para el análisis con técnicas experimentales como la Calorimetría de Titulación Isotérmica (ITC). Fruto de los avances para superar esas limitaciones es el software AFFINImeter, que acaba de presentarse en el mercado internacional con un modelo de Software as a Service, y que está siendo probado en su versión inicial por 40 investigadores de 25 países.
Los creadores de AFFINImeter convocan en el WIDEN-ITC a algunos de los expertos de referencia mundial en esta técnica, tanto en su uso actual como en el desarrollo de innovaciones tecnológicas que marcarán el futuro de la investigación con ITC. Prestigiosos investigadores como Philippe Dumas, de la Universidad de Estrasburgo, Adrián Velázquez, de la Universidad de Zaragoza o Ángel Piñeiro, creador de AFFINImeter e investigador de la USC, entre muchos otros, trabajarán durante tres días con expertos de la industria, como Natalia Markova, de Malvern Microcal, para intercambiar conocimientos y experiencias sobre las limitaciones del software actual y las nuevas posibilidades que permiten los avances tecnológicos.
Invitación a WIDEN-ITC, Workshop de Calorimetría de Titulación Isotérmica (ITC)
El WIDEN-ITC contará con un “Open Day” el 10 de septiembre, que podrá seguirse presencialmente en la Facultad de Físicas de la USC, o bien por internet desde cualquier lugar, con sólo realizar una inscripción gratuita. La jornada incluirá un tutorial para el uso de AFFINImeter impartido por Eva Muñoz y Juan Sabín, investigadores de AFFINImeter.
Toda la información del WIDEN-ITC está disponible en la web