THANK YOU TO ALL PARTICIPANTS OF THE WIDEN-ITC OPEN DAY: Over 100 researchers joined us to know more of the potential and latest advances in Isothermal Titration Calorimetry.

The WIDEN-ITC Open Day, has confirmed the awareness of the Scientific Community in exploring the full potential of the Isothermal Titration Calorimetry technique. Researchers from 18 countries attended on-site in Santiago de Compostela or via streaming this Open Day, consisting in 8 scientific talks and a tutorial of the ITC analysis software AFFINImeter (developed by the organizers of the workshop). Outstanding Pharmaceutical Companies (Lilly, Astra Zeneca,…..), microcalorimeters manufacturers (Malvern Microcal) and numerous Universities and Research Institutes worldwide participated in this interactive day, dedicated to share knowledge and exchange ideas around the present and future of ITC. The WIDEN-ITC Open Day discussed topics of actual interest like the current state of both ITC instruments and data analysis, common errors and misuses, and new analytical and technical developments to exploit the full potential of the technique and expand the application range of ITC. The morning session consisted in 6 invited talks of distinguished experts in the field: Adrián Velázquez-Campoy (University of Zaragoza, Spain), Phillipe Dumas (CNRS, Strassbourg, France), Eric Ennifar (CNRS, Strassbourg, France), Natalia Markova (Malvern Microcal), Niek Burma (Cardiff University, UK) and Daniel Ondo (Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague). The evening session of the Open Day was conducted by members of the scientific team of AFFINImeter, who presented 2 talks and an interactive tutorial to show the full potential of this new analysis software. Moreover, the workshop counted with the key participation of the invited researchers Margarita Bastos (University of Porto, Portugal), Maria Joao Moreno (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Luis García (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Enrique García Hernández (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and Luis Pablo Calle (Analytical Technologies, Lilly, Spain)

We would like to specially thank all the presenters and invited researchers, who did an outstanding job sharing their expertise with us and again, to all participants for attending the WIDEN-ITC Open Day.
We would also like to extend our thanks to all the AFFINImeter members, to the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Galician Supercomputing Center (CESGA) for all the support during the organization of this event.