Direct reading of Microcal Origin OPJ files with AFFINImeter

Direct reading of Microcal Origin OPJ files with AFFINImeter

The direct reading  Microcal Origin OPJ files has been recently implemented in AFFINImeter. Initially, only OPJ files containing a single datasheet were allowed. Our code has just been modified to make possible the reading of OPJ files with multiple datasheets. Additionally the uploaded OPJ files are now being filtered to permit just the selection of datasheets suitable for analysis with AFFINImeter (i.e. datasheets of ITC isotherms). Some minor improvements that optimize this process have also been implemented.
Soon you will also be able to directly upload Microcal Origin itc files. In collaboration with our scientific advisor Prof. Philippe Dumas, from the University of Strasbourg, we are currently implementing a procedure to automate the integration of the raw ITC data, including removal of noise and baseline correction.

Angel Piñeiro

Dr. Piñeiro is responsible for the development of new models as well as for the computational codes to fit experimental data that are behind AFFINImeter.