Working with AFFINImeter models based on a stoichiometric equilibria approach

The appropriate design and use of binding models in AFFINImeter pass through an understanding of the nomenclature that the software uses to describe a given experimental setup and the species that take part in the assay.
AFFINImeter contemplates the presence of up to three species participating in the experiment: 1) the titrant, or compound placed in the syringe; 2) the titrate, or compound in the calorimetric cell and 3) a co-solute or third compound that can be in the syringe and/or in the cell. These species are labelled in the reaction builder as follows:

As illustrated in Fig. 1, M always refers to the compound placed in the calorimetric cell and A always refers to the compound in the syringe. B always refers to a third component that can be in the syringe (Fig. 1b), in the cell (Fig. 1c) or in both places at once (Fig. 1d):


Once the nomenclature of  AFFINImeter is clear, you can download this note that our scientific team have prepared to understand how our users can be working with models based on a stoichiometric equilibria approach:


You can also check our latest post where we describe “The concepts of stoichiometric and site binding constants”